Phoenix's Reach Instructions

These instructions assume your Second Life client has default movement controls and that all product options are set to their default settings.

Basic Use:

Ideally this product is best used with jumping, where tapping jump and other directional buttons is normal behavior. However, it's fully compatible with flying -- just that the boosts tend to have less of an effect.

Jump: (E or Page Up)

If you're on the ground, a jump will jump and activate the Jetpack. Jumping while in the air will provide upward boosts and keep you afloat.

Forward: (W or Arrow Up)

While in the air, tapping forward will provide a small boost forward. Double tapping forward will provide a greater boost, and slow your fall speed. Triple tapping will launch your avatar into warp mode.

Backward: (S or Arrow Down)

Backward has the same controls as moving forward, but backward instead.

Strafe Right: Shift + (D or Arrow Right)

While in the air, you can boost yourself to the right by Strafing Right. You can single and double tap it for more or less boost.

Strafe Left: Shift + (A or Arrow Left)

Strafe Left has the same controls as Strafe Right, but left instead.

Fly Down / Crouch: (C or Page Down)

If your jetpack is deployed, tapping Crouch will fold it back up and end the jetpack boost effect. If you're in the middle of falling you can quickly redeploy the jetpack by tapping Jump again.

Space bar:

The space bar is useful for halting your avatar in place or stopping, for instance if you've entered warp mode and feel out of control.

Advanced Options:

While landed, if you click the jetpack you will be presented with a menu of additional configurable options listed below.

"Transform" controls how the model appears. The default option is "Auto", where it automatically switches between its transformations as if you were using it. The other options allow for manual control and prevent automatic transitions -- this is good for photography. "Glide" is the appearance of when you're coasting around in the air. "Warp" is the gore-infused variant from going very fast. Disabled is its normal collapsed form.

"Jet Mode" allows you to control the boost behavior. The default is "Enhanced", where the jetpack will apply boosts to your avatar. "Second Life" applies no boosts, and is suitable for normal flight in SL.

"Animations" will toggle the built-in animations of the jetpack on or off. The default is on, and if enabled will fight against already existing AOs. So it may be best to disable them.

"Particles" toggles on or off all particle emitters and lighting effects. The default is on.

"Sounds" enabled you to easily toggle sound on and off. The default is on.

"Volume" allows you to control how loud all sounds are. When you click volume you will be presented with another menu to enter a number between 1 and 100, where 100 is the loudest. The default is 75.

"Cancel" will exit the menu system.